March 31st is the financial year end for Riding for Smiles. The end of our sixth year.
What a difference a year makes. Contrast 2020-2021, the year of lock downs with this year, 2021-2022 as we struggled to get away from Covid whilst it still influenced much of school life, everyday life, and Riding for Smiles.
Our income in 2020-2021 from grants and donations was £52,000 with expenditure of only £9,000 on activities.
With hindsight we had foresight and together with the Coloured Cob EC, RfS was ready to meet the increase in demand of over 250% from pre-pandemic levels.
Our income in 2021-2022 from grants and donations was £64,000 with expenditure £43,500 on activities. RfS also funded the new toilet facilities and the wheelchair friendly carriage.